This site required the community's confidence and cooperation. We attended HOA meetings to educate board members on the challenges of their waterbody and build relationships with them. Strengthening trust and confidence within the community was a vital step to garner support of adopting phosphorus free fertilizers and reducing fertilizer use.
Once we began to slow fertilizer inputs, we could focus on binding nutrients already in the water that continue to fuel algal blooms. Nutrient reduction treatments were made early in the season before algae growth began.
Our team also installed different types of aeration to efficiently circulate the meandering waterbody and eliminate stagnant coves, discouraging algae proliferation and accompanying odors.
Today, we continue applying nutrient reducers to help offset fertilizer and nutrient inputs from the lawns and streets in the watershed. We make bimonthly visits to the community where we apply algaecides or herbicides as needed to curb excess vegetation, and measure nutrient and sediment levels to monitor and predict trends over time. We routinely service and maintain the complex aeration system to keep oxygen levels at an optimum range. Our success was directly tied to our comprehensive approach and the trust of the community.