Herbicide Labels & Safety Data Sheets (SDS) – Including New York-Approved Products
Find detailed product information, application guidelines, and safety data for the herbicides we use in aquatic management. This includes labels and SDS documents for New York-approved products.
AquaNeat® HerbicideLabel | SDS
Aquashade® Aquatic Plant Growth Control Label | SDS
Aquathol® K Aquatic Herbicide Label | Supplemental Label | FIFRA 24 (c) | SDS
Clearcast® HerbicideLabel | Supplemental Label | FIFRA 2(ee) | SDS
Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate Label | SDS
EarthTec® Label | FIFRA 2(ee) | SDS
GreenClean® Liquid 2.0 Label | FIFRA 2(ee) | SDS
Komeen® DescendLabel | FIFRA 2(ee) | SDS
ProcellaCOR® ECLabel | FIFRA 24(c) | FIFRA 2(ee) | SDS
SeClear Algaecide & Water Quality Enhancer® Label | Supplemental Label | FIFRA 24(c) | SDS
Sonar Genesis® Aquatic Herbicide Label | Supplemental Label | FIFRA 24(c) | SDS
AquaPRO HerbicideLabel | FIFRA 2(ee) | SDS
Captain® XTR Algaecide Label | Supplemental Label | SDS
EarthTec® QZ Label | FIFRA 2(ee) | SDS
Komeen® Aquatic Herbicide Label | Supplemental Label| SDS
Navigate® Label | FIFRA 2(ee) | SDS
Sonar® A.S.Label | FIFRA 24(c) | SDS
SonarOne®Label | FIFRA 24(c) | SDS